Wednesday, February 08, 2006

let me know

i started jogging at about 6.45 pm. a little late because it was burning if the sun forgot to set. i drove to the lake at 6.35 pm but it started to drizzle. I made my way back home only to find out that there wasnt a drop of rain at home. so i parked my car and set off around the neighbourhood.

i was keeping a slow pace, for fear i might burn out. slow and steady i hit the uphill slope. i chugged up keeping a steady pace. upon reaching a certain row, i tend to slow down. i tend to cast a glance sideways. i don't really know what i'm looking for. i don't even know if i want to see what i'm looking for.

and from that point onwards, i could almost forget i was jogging. my mind would be preoccupied with other stuff. is he home? has he gone out? when's he coming back? when's he going back? stuffs like that. and themore i wondered the more i thought. round and round the park i go. until i decide to go back down. someone calls my name. i looked up with a mixture of hope and fear. only to see someone else. smiled and waved.

all the way down, i would still be thinking. how has his day been? how has she been? how has everything been? until i come to that same point. that same row of houses. i would cast a sideways glance...and see that he isn't there.

back to earth. i know what you're thinking. yes, i have moved on. but you're still a friend right?

and i have been wondering. so if you're reading this let me know how you've been. it's been ages since i've spoken to you.

it's back to work tomorrow. I couldnt be happier. the holidays have been boring me sick! i need something to do. or i'll turn into that mushy-head-love-sick thing.

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