Monday, October 17, 2005

field trip to Hunk City

its been so long since i went on a school trip. haha...the whole gathering in front of the main gate, climbing into the bus, singing aloud all the way from the start of the journey till we reach our destination. it's fun...even better when it's at night...and best when our destination is Hunk City. hahah...

so the big day finally came. 2 weeks of daily practise, a pair of very strained thighs and one sprained thumb (yes i sprained my thumb, it amuses me too) later, we finally performed at the NBL in MABA. yup...think tall lanky built basketballers in a huge air conditioned indoor basketball stadium. it was so exciting! those guys were TALL. they were towering over all of us. and quite honestly, some of them act as if they've never seen girls in mini skirts before. seriously, too much attention ain't very flattering. and unless you were there, don't call me a gloat.

the performance was great!! though there were minor mistakes here and there. but overall i think we had a significant amount of cheers and wolf whistles. there was someone who shouted "some more some more!" but i have a feeling they only enjoyed the skirt lifting moments.

i was always kinda attracted to basketballers. don't know what is it that makes balls-flying-into-baskets more interesting than balls-flying-into-goal-posts...or any other sort of game for that matter. perhaps it's just baskteballers themselves. darn ying. hehe...i remember one time in school whereby Ju and i were ogling at guys like Sunil and Min Jun. haha those were the days...

performing is so much fun. from the choreographing, to the practising, right up to performing. it just gives me this thrill. i hope it doesn't end when i graduate....

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