Monday, April 25, 2005

[ grieving over my loss ]

haha...nah it's nothign gotta do with previous post. i simple lost my pc due to my own carelessness and smartness. now i gotta deal with the remorse of knowing that i caused the death of my own pc, and not being able to revive it, and of course not being able to use it...boohoo!!! hehe...

currently in Metro library, making use of my computer notebook facility for the very first time. this is so cool. coz i get to have my own notebook. only thing is i can't bring it out la...but hey, it beats having to wait for one.. :) how did i end up here?

well, i was sitting in class just now, patiently waiting for Ms Choong to come in. In comes another girl, and she was like "I thought i was late" and he exchanged smiles. Then another comes in and said "isn't it already pass 9.30 am?" and we exchanged smiles again. but no one had a clue why nobody was in class. seriously, i think we were all quite dumb. haha so we 3 girls sat patiently in econs class, and for some reason, each at different corners of the class. then comes in a young gentleman, and he went "eh why you all still sitting in the class?" and with a flick of a finger he pointed at the notice on the door. Class has been cancelled due to emergency medicaleave by Ms Choong KY. smartass. the stupid thing was all 3 girls walked thru the other door. so Jason being our hero for today, started walking out the class, his laughter echoed in the air. drenched in embarassment, the 3 of us took off, separate ways, and i ended up here. :)

i really hope my poor pc gets fixed tonight. the worry is affecting my brainsss....

k...i should get to work...The area of law discussed in this question is......

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