Saturday, March 05, 2005

* a whole new world *

unbelievable skies...
indescribable feelings...

going for Disney On Ice Princess Classics was like entering the 1980's again...which is...of childhood times. I love Disney. Disney had filled me with so much magic that it is more than i could dream of! I don't know why but Disney movies have this captivating sense of warmth whenever i watch it. It is like their stories are so typically fairytale-like that i just let myself believe in all things magical in this world.

Genie of the lamp and his dancers - Aladdin as Prince Ali, descending from his elephant

Under the sea (dance intro) - 7 little dwarfs

now that i think of it, i wonder if that is such a good thing after all. i mean, disney has made me dream. i dream of all sorts of things that could possibly happen in my life and eventhough i know it's possibly never gonna come true, i dream on anyway. it's like it gives me a sense of security somehow. can't explain that. ask a child psychologist. and disney has made me love. i have many times fallen in love, and though the periods may seem short at times, when it happens, i swear i love with all my heart. now tell me you don't dream of a prince charming, or a beautiful princess!? haha...

owell, i just love it so much. it's an...well....indescribable feeling...i may not be that girly girl, i may seem all i-hate-pink-kinda-girl but i do love princes and princesses and fairy god mothers. and when every prince in that skating rink lifted up their princesses with strong firm arms, i love princes more than anything in the world! haha it's just all so...romantic...the sweet embrace of love.

yes i'm actually into mushy takl right now so bear with me...hehe...

i think i wasn't the only person who knew it was gonna be magical. some guy actually thought of proposing to his girlfriend in public during that night. he was making this speech, all spotlights were on him, and i think his girlfriend was super freaked out. haha he must've done some real plannign because Cinderella's Palace guards came with a bouquet of flowers and the wedding ring (placed on the royal cushion on which her shoe was placed). Anyway, he went down on his knees and proposed to her. he said something like "Mary would you be my princess, and marry me?" I think she was speechless. so voices were heard from the audience "Say Yes!!" and soon more n more voices came and she finally giggled into the mic "yes!". haha such a sweet thing. I tell you that couple got more spotlight and applause than the Prime Minister, who was there, himself! haha..

the public proposal...

yup...that was one magical night. I'm almost 19 years old and i'm proud to say that i'm still very much a believer of Disney. And that my favourite is Beauty and the Beast. =)

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