Thursday, December 02, 2004

* running out of things to say *

This Photo Album includes:
- Dim Sum at some Ipoh restaurant on the way to Penang
- Ong Kee Hui Swim Meet in PISA (Penang International Sports Arena)
- Dinner at Genting Hill, Penang
- My cousin's dog Sandy
- One night stay at Cameron Highlands

With all the holidays I've kinda gotten disoriented from blogging. Either that or there just isn't much to blog about these days. My life, despite the many trips outstation, is pretty mundane still. I'm still the Karen who's single and available. I'm still the Karen who has a heart for running, (though I've not done that in 2 weeks and i'm putting on weight like pigs!). I'm still the Karen without a job for the break.

Last night I went out with julie, hua and elaine. yup...ELAINE out at NIGHT. ehehe...well, she thought we'd do some catching up. That was the initial plan. However, i think it didn't turn out that well. For one thing, Jhun Ming and his cousin were there. I don't have anything against them. It's just that if we're gonna do any catching up, it's better to keep it to one group of close friends. It's like Elaine had to split her attention between us and them. So it's kinda hard. For another thing, my parents. Curfew time for yours truly is now 11 pm.'s like it's getting earlier as i grow older. That's not supposed to happen. I don't even go to clubs or bars. I don't even drink or smoke! What can I possibly do that would endanger me? She, however, doesn't trust me. She thinks that I'm vulnerable enough to let my friends talk me into drinking or smoking. You know what she does to corner me? She compares me with my saint-of-a-brother. So he prefers to stay home at night. I would if no one asks me out. And he has to go swimming every night and running every morning. So we're different. I respect him for what he does. I should be treated the same.

And she thinks the reason I'm so eager to stay on my own is so that she won't keep tabs on me and i can go out and come home whenever i wish. The annoying thing is not because it's untrue, it's because it is. Partially at least. I mean, how could i possibly show her that I won't get into any trouble if she calls for me at 11 every time I'm out? Sigh, I shouldn't be complaining I know. She cares. And it's not like I wanna start hating her. So I shall stop. Right here.

hmm...looks like i did have something to say afterall.

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