Sunday, November 07, 2004

[ of all the people...]

I woke up today when my alarm clock rang at 7 am. 3 minutes later (set on purpose) my handphone's ringtone drummed into my ears forcing me to pry my eyes open. As I reluctantly kicked the blanket off my shivering body, i peeled myself from my bed and put in a tremendous amount of effort just standing up, immediately feeling the aches and sores at every joint possible. That was when i told myself, and later Shirlyn, that there was no way i was gonna bring myself to jog 3 rounds round the lake that beautiful cooling morning. The painful sensation coursing through my body was inevitable every Saturday morning, an obvious sign of old age. hehe by this i obviously meant in terms of a gymnast's age.

That's right. I'm waaaaay too old for gim. I don't know if I am the only RSG (Rhytmic Sportive Gymnast turned Retired Senior Gymnast) that feels so. I'm sure my fellow oldies like Julie and Shirlyn share the same fate but somehow, being the least endowed with flexibility genes (or in other words most kayu) I think I am the only one with post-gim class symptoms. i seriously think this year's Holiday Villa Gimrama Grading cum Competition is my last, thus marking my full retirement from the sport altogether.'ll be sad to leave, but for my old bones' sake, there's no other option *dramatic post*. Well, at least now i can go full time into my triathlete profession without having to worry about She-man thighs. =)

Anyway, my dad had this dinner just now. And it is very usual for my mum to suggest and outside fancy dinner whenever my loh ku tong daddy has some other dinner. She claims my dad doesn't like food other than Chinese. So we went to San Francisco Pizza. I happened to remember this flyer thrown into my house which gives 20% off on all ala carte dishes. So my mum, lil bro and myself headed there and lo and behold guess who I met? Gawd, if there was ever a time i cared so much about my looks when i was out with my family it was then. His sleek hair, perfect smile, and of course a body fitting shirt just flaunting his hunkelicious torso! haha i know i sound pretty scary right now. I bet you can guess who I'm babbling about. Daniel Tan. ahhh!!! goodness he's oh so hot! I'm serious, that guy was one of the reasons i frequent the climbing gym in summit. haha oops...secret's out. then again, secret was out eons ago! any girl in the right state of mind would go ga-ga over this guy. But of course, it's only superficial, as it is for every other hunk out there. *wink* Anyway, Mr and Mrs Tan are actually buddy buddy with my parents. So my mum had to stop and talk the usual "my son's in Australia now" and they go "oh yea, Denise's in UK already" and i go "Karen's still in Malaysia!" silently of course. So anyway, back to Daniel, I reacted how any girl in my position would have reacted i guess, look directly at everything else but him. But a 100% wary of his presence and his every move. I had just one thought in my mind at that moment. Brains aren't everything. Daniel stopped studying because he earns way more by modelling. I heard he gets RM10 000 per catwalk he does. I could use that sorta money....i really dreamy me went into the restaurant, half of my enthusiasm lost just by the sight of him. I mean, not that it affected me much. But it's kinda like, I've met him before. We've acknowledged each other once upon a time. Before he became such a hotshot. And just now I was pretty much as unknown person to him as he was to my lil bro. haha...

Then after dinner I went to my grandma's place in USJ. I was already feeling dumb as it is, but my aunty came and shove thie bag into my hands. In it is this:

what issit?

she expects me to make up on my own for prom! would that be an amazing sight. no way i'm gonna doodle on my own face. I'll probably bring it to li hua's house and let her mum use it on me. =)

Oh well, at least for everything that happened today, my aunty gave me something else which i can definitely appreciate.

chic? haha...i think it's pretty nice...thanks Sui Kim!

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