Wednesday, October 27, 2004

[ life ]

Rebecca turns 18 know there's so much hoo-ha over turning's like what everyone're legal to do a lot of stuff. though in my case, I haven't even gone clubbing! haha...waitla...I'll go one day with the right ppl...=)

Anyway, I gave her this already but, oh well, why not make it a public announcement!

Happy Birthday Rebecca!

hehe like my art?? =) It's called Microsoft PhotoEditor

anyway, as u can see, I made myself a new friend. And it seems as though we didn't get of on the right foot. Honestly, that little chatterbox is waaaay too limited for me what I intend to say.

1st I thought of saying, Who u callin' a b****, b****? but then I ain't gonna stoop to your level coz FYI, I don't curse. You don't even know the meaning of a b****, if ure using that word on me....

Then, I thought of saying, Shuttup! what are you, 8? then again, I consider myself pretty childish in some ways too. So I'm not gonna belittle little 8 year olds just for your sake. For one thing, they're cute.

I also had this in mind:

but that shirt's bought for the fun of it. Besides, that line is old...

I actually even thought of copying and pasting the whole of Britney's My Prerogative here...Then i figured u'd either not appreciate the song dedication or not know the meaning of the song title...oh wait...ure english is freakin' good i forgot...

I guess being, poetically me, this would be the best thing to do thing i want to do...

i guess life is pretty unpredictable
you just don't know when you'd offend someone
and when things become uncomfortable
you'd just wish it hadn't begun

i don't know when and what i did to you
and i admit that you've hurt and offended me
for whatever i did i had no intentions to do
but somehow with my existence u do not agree

for whatever's worth, i'd like to say sorry
that the fact that my birth could be a nuisance
but my parents made me who i am to be
and i'm no doubt proud of my existence

so maybe it's wrong to be who i am
maybe it's a crime to live my life
maybe if i sat for the perfect living exam
i would hardly come out alive

because in your eyes i have failed
in your eyes i shouldn't have been born
in your eyes, i'd try to no avail
and i'd be living a life that's forlorn

but even if that is the saddest truth
even if i am such a lame*** failure
i've got a billion friends in my youth
who would think quite oppositely i'm sure

malaysia is a free country
and there's no rule saying i'd have to be like you
so let me be whoever i choose to be
because in your case, i'm doing that too...

after reading this, u probably think i'm even lamer. But newsflash, i don't care. Listen, I don't want you to like me anymore than i like you ok. I just hope that you would accept ppl. Like it or not, the real world ain't gonna consist of your worshippers only. So, it's been fun playing guessing with ya, but I've got to study for my exams right now. And since my friend has revealed who you are, say hi to me the next time i see u ok? Don't be shy. I'm very friendly. Honest. =)

oh and btw, student council really did a good job for BOTB. My compliments to you all...

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