Sunday, September 12, 2004

- h i p h o p e r a -

It was cool. I like the way they made it funny without being lame. But honestly, i think Johan can't sing very well. But it's still nice. Ben's so cool!! =) My compliments to Ming Choi !! good job there!

My mum and dad talked a lot of sense into me today. But i can't help but feel slightly rebellious because...well, they never had so much to say when korkor started his tertiary education. I know my course is...well, shall I say...unique. But what they say is very true la. I can still pursue it as a side job. Ok i admit. Apart from the fact that I love sports (I honestly do), another reason why I wanna be in Sport Science is to be different. I don't wanna do what the norm is doing. Driven by my urge to be different, I guess I overlooked the practicality of it. But it's not like I totally ignored the marketability, the difficulty of the course, the technical side of it. I am pretty aware of the downside of it and I have braced myself to face it a long time ago. Daddy somehow still thinks I'm blinded by only the brighter side of things. He has this perception that I'm this young, naive girl who only wants to have fun, ignorant about what I'm getting myself into.

What I want exactly, he asks? Simple. To do what I love to do, enjoy it, and still earn a reasonable living. How many tales had my dad told me about people not doing what they studied and yadda yadda. But I'm not going to be one of those people. I'm going to be the one who ends up pursuing a career that I have studied and earned a degree for. And it'll be what I love. And something I'll put my whole heart into. I don't know why he of all people can't understand that, because he has told me umpteen stories about successful people following their dreams against all odds. Bill Gates is someone he mentions from time to time. ah well....

Okla...tired di. Once again, Congrats to the production team of HipHopera!

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