Monday, July 05, 2004

When nature calls...

Trekking up the steep hill
Working up a nice good sweat
There's no better way to chill
Nothing that goes cooler than that!

Climbing higher with every step
Aim crystal clear in mind
The view of the peak had me trapped
Made me leave my worries behind

Lost my energy once in a while
But friends helped me regain
My conscience told me I'm no child
To give up I had to refrain

Inhaling in mountain fresh air
Re-energized me after I'm beat
It was breathtaking to be up there
To be standing on the very summit

I drew in a long deep breath
I took in every detail of the scenary
The world that once seemed so indepth
Now seemed so little to me

Complications no longer exists
Everything broken down to simplicity
All cares were taken off my lists
Made everything seemed so easy

Now, back down here on lower ground
The world enlarged about a thousand times
Problems lost, I once again found
Taunting my name in chimes

One by one, I'll break them down
Till I get rid of every pain
Step by step I'll climb this 'mountain'
Till the world is small again

yup...being up on the summit, looking down at everything the size of pin-pricks...felt as though the world was in my hands. I could do anything. But snapping back to reality I realised I can't. Oh well, the least i could do was climb the uphill step by step. I'll get there one day. =)

My mum n dad jus told me that they can't allow me to study abroad. It's too expensive. I won't deny I feel slightly disappointed. But i really don't mind studying locally. Not at all. It's just the feeling that bugs me. What feeling? well, when my bro gets to go and I don't. When my bro gets to go for FREE and I don't. When my bro gets to go for free, for 3 years, with excellent results...and i don't. I can't get results like his. I can't get a scholarship like his. So i most definitely can't go. Mum n dad promised me one year though. But it's not the same. It's not earned like my brother. Mum's just trying to be fair. And I can't help but feel annoyed that she has to be fair to me. I take it as pity. She pities me. The child that wasn't the heir scholar. Honestly, I feel angry that i have to depend on their funding. Someone like Lyn deserves to go. I can only pray that she gets the chance to. As for me, I've long accepted the fact that I ain't of that level. Which was why I didn't mind studying locally. But like i said, it's the feeling.

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