Friday, June 11, 2004

to mark the end of my boredem (not that i'm complaining abt it)

(1) What is your full name?: Karen Siah E-Ling
(2) Are you happy with it?: of course! Karen means genuine, my surname's rare and i lurve my E-Ling
(3) Are you named after anyone?: hmmm no one qua
(5) Your screenname: galnexdor, hence the name of me blog
(6) Would you name a child of yours after u?:hmmm i'd probably follow the "single letter - something" chinese name. LuRvE it!
(7) Wat wld u name ur children?: Keryl [input] I-Ling, Lara [input] K-Shing, if it's a boy then Mr [input] shall have the honour but the daughters' are mine!
(8) If you were born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name be?: er...kenneth? something with K then Siah Kien something
(9) If you could switch names with a friend, who would that be?:I'm proud to say myself!
(10) Are there any mispronounciations/typos that people do?: no but Malays tend to pronounce my name differently
(12) Your gender: i'm a she thank u!
(13) Straight/gay/bi? : what? haha i like guys. ok? ONLY guys.
(14) Single?: ain't so bad when ure not thinking of someone, but when u's kinda sad...
(15) What do you want to be when u grow up?: pro triathlete! outdo Stephanie Chock! or maybe just be happily married to Mr [input]
(16) Your birthdate: 110586
(17) Age: 18
(18) Age you act: haha...a little younger than 18
(20) Your height: i think it's 165 cm
(21) The color of your eyes: hitam
(22) Happy with it?: ahha it could be slightly browner...i mean not that i'm complaining...=)
(23) The color of your hair: black...but i might wanna change it soon...should I?
(24) Happy with it?: pretty satisfied
(25) Left/right/ambidextrous?: right...but i do NOT have any prejudice against the latter 2
(26) Your living arrangement?: er...with my family
(27) Your family: daddy, mummy, keith boy, kor (in Perth)
(28) Have any pets?: Keith boy hahha..jus kidding...nah...Keith's allergic to animal fur
(29) What's your job: college student of Taylor's
(30) Piercings?: 3 on right ear 2 on left ear
(31) Tattoos?: in the near future there'll be one above my ankle
(32) Obsessions?:extreme sports, havin fun, free outdoor life
(33) Addictions?: having fun...
(35) Do you speak another language?: er...i can speak a tad of Hokkien, Cantonese, Mandarin, BM...
(36) Have a favorite quote?: chill! / wah lau! / haha
(37) Do you have a webpage?: ure lookin at it
(38) Do drugs?:haha i dun even do them when i'm sick...hate pills hate any sort of medication
(39) Read the newspaper?:hardly...learning to do so more often now
(40) Pray?: sometimes when i need it
(41) Go to church? thinker
(42) Talk to strangers?: ahha why not...i'm big enough to not follow them when they lure me into a truck with candies
(43) Sleep with stuffed animals?: elephant, pooh, the rest i've stuffed them into a cupboard. Note to everyone: no more stuffed animals for Karen ok?
(44) Take walks in the rain?: nope...but i wun mind seriously
(45) Talk to people even though you hate them?: er...if i have to i can be very profesional
(46) Like your voice?: haha yea...maybe if i can sing a little better then i'll love it
(47) Hurt yourself?: gotla...mentally...i tend to let myself down sometimes
(48) Been out of the country?: haha coast aus rocks!
(49) Eaten something that made other people sick?: escargots? i love them!
(50) Been unfaithful?: me i feel like i didn't do anythign wrong coz i tried to stop it as soon as i can but to the person inflicted upon maybe...
(51) Been in love?: erm...dun think anyone at my age has...say what u like, u knoe i'm right
(52) Sell drugs?: crazy!
(53) Gone skinny dipping?: ahhaha pls...i'm conscious about being naked in another person's bathroom as it is...
(54) Had a medical emergency?: dun think so...but as morbid as it seems i actually wonder how it'll be like
(55) Had a surgery?: er...not a very major one...when i was REALLY young i got myself a scar next to my right eye. will show u guys if u ask me...then i'll tell ya how it happened...
(56) Ran away from home?: didn't cross my mind..never will
(57) Played strip poker?:'t say i wouldn't...but then again, didn't say i would either
(58) Gotten beaten up?:nola...but i got strangled buy some indian guys in primary school b4...i still find it tormenting
(59) Beaten someone up?: tak baik wei....
(61) Shoe brand?:brooks, nike
(62) Brand of clothing?: nike (for sports), others it's anything that looks good on me
(63) Cologne/perfume?: Impulse? i'm using it to finish it...
(64) What are you normally wearing to school/work?: haha baby T and pants? preferably jeans
(65) How about parties?: maybe a little more than simple? jus for the occasion
(66) Wear hats?: run's a cap
(67) Judge other people by their clothing?: haha yea but not that i would let that stop me from accepting whatever they really were if i got to meet them..i'm a's what gurls do...
(68) Wear make-up?: nope...i dunno how to use them!
(69) Favourite place to shop?: ahahha...anywhere la...not KLCC though coz there's like coperate world!
(70) Favourite article of clothing?: my runnign vest, shorts and sports bra!
(71) Are you trendy?: haha i'm simple...simplicity is the essence of beauty peeps
(72) Would you rather wear a uniform to school?: ahhaha dun midn la...anything la...
(73) Who are your best friends?: this question raises a lot of controversy...
(74) Who's the one person that knows most about u?:
(75) Who's the person that you love the most?: ppl that love me!

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