Friday, May 07, 2004

* m e *

HAve yOU EvER.......

* KISSED YOUR COUSIN? : hmmm...yea...not in the way ure thinking...the small babies are irresistable...=)

* RAN AWAY?: nola...i LUV muh home...

* BROKEN SOMEONE'S HEART?: urgh! tell me about it.....

* HAD YOUR HEART BROKEN?: ahhaha....sing it usher! YeAh!

* CRIED WHEN SOMEONE DIED?: erm...dun think so...but i had nightmares n like cold sweat n all....

* BROKEN A BONE?: nope...though byt the rate i'm going i might...

* DRANK ALCOHOL?: Jolly and anglia Shandy! ahahha..kla a sip or 2 of Vodka

* CRIED IN SCHOOL?: a few shameful as i'd like to admit....

[...::This or That::...]

* COKE OR PEPSI?: wat's the diff?

* SPRITE OR 7UP?: ditto...

* FLOWERS OR CHOCOLATES?: ahhaha chocolates! anytime....

* QUIET OR LOUD?: Loud ppl rock! I'm Loud! Woohoo!!

* BLONDES OR BRUNETTES?: black....truly asian!

* TALL OR SHORT?: ahahah doesn't really matter as long is in proportion

* JEANS OR SHORTS?: jeans...

*..::The Last Time You::..*

* SHOWERED?: erm at 7 sumthing after jogging...

* SANG: i sing all the time....

[?...::What/Who Is::...?]

* YOUR GOOD LUCK CHARM?: me, myself and I akakka

* PERSON YOU HATE MOST?: sometimes it's myself? bet u all go through it once in a while


::?::What is your favorite..?::

* COLOR/s?: bright green...bright red...bright orange...bright yellow...or jus plain Black!!

* MOVIE?: serendipity

* BOOK?: aakakak Fearless...

* SUBJECT IN SCHOOL?: right now? NONE!!! i'm failing chem...i'm not doing well in both physics n maths is like down the drain and ENGLISH...well the research project has sucked every ounce of interest i had for the subject....

* CARS?: Kelisa! ahahha...actually i like bikes...

* ICE CREAM FLAVOR?: chocolicious!...actually things like cookies n cream...or butterscotch...ahhaha luv them jus the same...

* HOLIDAY?: everyone

* SEASON?: winter!! with snow!!

* BREAKFAST FOOD?: american breakfast...bacon...bull's eye egg...sausages....mmmmmmmm


* MAKES YOU LAUGH THE MOST?: funny ppl...jokers...siao ppl...

* MAKES YOU SMILE?: ppl that care....

*?::Do You Ever::?*

NIGHT?: yea...not it's sit by the com n wait for the icq or msn message....

* SAVE AOL CONVERSATIONS?: icq...yea....last time

* SAVE E-MAILS?: ahha yes yes

* WISH YOU WERE SOMEONE ELSE?: so bad....sometimes la

* CRIED BECAUSE OF SOMEONE'S MEAN WORD?: hmmm...jus one word? not too sure...but someone's mean deed yes.....

\*\::...Have You...::\*

* FALLEN FOR A BEST FRIEND?: hmmmm.....nope...dun think so...they know all me bad habits! ahahah

* MADE OUT WITH JUST A FRIEND?: i'd be lucky if i even make out with a special person

* BEEN IN LOVE?: ahah i think so...yea...

* BEEN IN LUST?: lust? as in sexual n all? or just like like oni? hahaha no sexual interest....just plain puppy's called infatuation

* BEEN KISSED?: never been kissed here....

...::Who was the last person::...

* YOU TOUCHED?: touched? my mum

* YOU TALKED TO?: lil bro...jus wished him happy birthday

* YOU HUGGED?: errrrrrrrrr.....julie? when she came back?

* WHO BROKE YOUR HEART?: that one....that one....aih....sad case

*..::Do you::..*

* COLOR YOUR HAIR?: ahahahha i TrIeD didn't work out

* HAVE TATTOOS?: plan to in future....shhhhhhh

* HAVE BRACES?: nope...envy my teeth! =D



* EVER GET OFF THIS COMPUTER: ahhaha seems less nowadays...hahahah

food for thought? ahahha well, i didn't do well in bio as i thought i did...sigh...not doing well in anythign here...i'm so doomed...need to buck up!!

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