Thursday, February 05, 2004

V-day...just isn't my day

Advertisements broadcasted on the radio
Speek of free gifts and flowers
Promotional V-day packs
Specially for romantic lovers

Movies being played on TV
Each one bearing a romantic theme
He leans over and whisper sweet nothings
And she declares her love for him

V-day functions all over the papers
Inviting people from near and far
"Bring along that special someone
To a romantic night under the stars"

I guess it's just not one of the days
That I look forward to with a smile
I sigh each day it draws closer
And often think about it for a while

I guess I shouldn't complain at all
Because in love, i really have no say
But it saddens me to think about it
That Valentine's Day just isn't my day...

haha...started la my emo-ness. =) so sue me! but it's true...i think it has been this way every year since...i knew the true meaning of V-day. haha...oh well, at least i would be preoccupied that day with my own programme. =)

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